Saturday 24 December 2011

mY MAgicAL.......

hey all,,,i knw tht many of u lyk 2 confusing people or mybe u lyk others thn that...exmple :- ur lover.....i knw tht mny of u r in love...its owkey..i'm here selena witchy wnt 2 share some of magic things in here...i will give an ingredients 2 u... i will show u all my magic oil...not only oil but i will share some part of to make it is....:-
                                            CONFUSION OIL

    Burnt knotted shoelace
color: black

Confuses one who is trying to cast a spell on you. Good for
breaking curses and hexes.

 Works very well.

here it is my lovely potion....its work 4 me....u hve 2 try...but not try at once only....u hve 2 try abt 3 times...some people work on it abt once n it work,,,but some of the people work a many be work it is..:-

              Delicious Spicy Love Potions (mulled Wine)

Mortar and pestle
red wine
beautiful glasses for serving the wine
1 red candle
1 stick of incense
a saucepan

3 types of love herbs, 1 teasp of each (Please check that the herbs you chose are not poisonous )
Prepare your altar, light the incense and candle. Grind the herbs in your mortar and pestle (If you
have used it for grinding poisonous herbs, then either buy a new one for cooking, or use a food
processor ), charge the herbs for your magical purpose. Put enough wine in the saucepan, simmer,
then add herbs slowly. As you do it, feel your intention for love, stir in herbs, keeping your focus.
For best results, do on the waxing of the moon and chose herbs that suit your taste. Some herbs
and spices do have a very strong taste. 

have to pick which ones you want to stick around.

here another....but this is a love spell..u can try it if u lyk it....believe me....

                    Lovers' Spells
Items: 1 red candle, lovers' oil and lovers' incense
Ritual: Dress the candle with the oil, while you burn the incense. Say the following
incantation 3 times each night for five nights in a row:
"I am possessed by burning love for this man,
and this love comes to me from Apsaras, who is victorious ever.
Let this man/woman yearn for me. Desire me, let his desire burn for me.
Let this love come forth from the spirit and enter him.
Let him desire me as nothing has been desired before.
I love him, want him; he must feel the same desire for me.
O spirit of the air, let him burn with love for me".

i so sorry 4 the short writing,,,,b'cause i not enough time......its owkey next time i share a lot 2 u all ...ok

BesT of LUCk aLL....=)..
<3 muahhhh.....

SElENa WItchY.....


Sunday 11 December 2011

My cOOlESt tHings ThaT I luV 2 dO It in My wHOlE liFE......

hye all....hw r u..? first of all i really sorry bcause long time no see me....yeaahhhh magic of course i become a wizard..owhh...i mean a full wizard......!!!! =)   ssssssssshhhhhhhhhh!!!!! dnt tell any 1 abt me owkey....its secret except 4 my fwendzz only...hahaha....

here i wnt 2 share some of my magic spell.........


3 orange candles (change and attraction)
or red candles (energy abd attraction)
Hand mirror or free-standing mirror

On a Friday during Waxing Moon, gather the ingredients above and go to a place where you can be undisturbed  for at least 15 minutes.....
Light the 3 candles and place them in a triangle shape upon your altar....allow yourself to become calm and centered....when you feel ready, place your hands overyour hair and close your eyes....
visualize the color of your hair fading and fading, becoming white as the color drains from it....
Hold the color within your hands...slowely lower your hands above the candles and focus it into their flames...
allow the color to transform within the flames ,becoming your desired hair color.....
Hold your hands over the flames and soak up the energy...
Place your hands over your head again and allow the color to return to your hair, turning it the color you desire.....
Say The Following Charm...:-


With this, open your eyes and look at your reflection. If your hair has changed, it will last only a
couple of minutes, or more, depending on how much energy you put into the spell. If the spell was not successful the first time, try it again another night. It takes much practice and ability to
focus energy for this spell to be truly successful........

Items: 1 pink candle, a pink stone (rose quartz).
Ritual: Mark the candle and the stone with the Ing, Gyfu and Bjork Runes. Lit the
candle and place the stone beside the candle. Now repeat 3 times:
"Three ladies came across the land,
Bringing love into my hand:
The first called him (or her)
The second brought him
The third bound us together"
The stone is then charged to add to the spell. When the candle is finished, the
stone is secreted among personal belongings.

Monday 21 November 2011

mY CweeT CouSIN ...

HAHAHA....!!!! ni sedara sye...nme nye khairunnisa....dye mmng ...always lyk this....x abez2 ngn piz dye 2.....but she is so cute....=)...<3 ...sye always fight ngn dye psl suriya...suriya 2 sye nye bkn dye nye pow.....xp dye sbok jeww......busy body ktekn...!!! hahahaaaa....xp akhirnye sye pow mnyerah klh jeww r....bgi jeww suriya 2 kt dye....alasan sye dh ade pkwe ktekn....sbnarnye nk bgi can jewww kt dye..sbb tngok dye cian cngt2x....

errmmmm.....kte brehat seketika yewww psl nisa nie...jom pi kt statement seterusnye plak....!!!!!! horrrrrrrrrrrrrrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
=)..<3 muahhhhh...!!!

hye my cousin again nisa with his fwendzzz.....cweet couple nice picss....!!! wlawpow gmbr dye kurng jelas..yg pnting fwendship 4 ever n ever n ever......nie sume mmber2 nisa....they also so beautiful n nice 2...xp yg lbh pos 2 nisa ea....yg laen cool jew....!!!

nisa 2 jeww yg trover possss.....hahaha..!!!jgn mrh ea nisa..gurau2 jeww...kte kn nye tngok nisa dpt ambek gmbr brsame mmber2 dye....xcm sye..nk ambek nye pyh...OMG...!!!!its so hard 2 take a pics with my lovely n kind fwenndd cause everytime they busy3....errr...!!!!so hate so so hate them...!!!!

but its ok...we all fwend 4 ever where ever we r was now....!!!! pe yg pnting..?? bkn kerjesame tw.....friendship yg pnting sbb lw dh hilang ssh nk kmbali blek kegembiraan bersame mmbr yg trcnta.....!!!

luv u nisa,kanchana,janani n all of your fwendss 4 ever....!!!!!
<3 =) =)

Thursday 17 November 2011

mY sUper N loveLY biggeST faNZZ eVER.......

thisssss is my biggest fanzz ever...sir suriya....dye ni mmng encem gileww2.......lgi2 dlm cter bru dye...mmng mantop beb...!! =) cm 2 nye encem,,,,xpi yg kelakarnye dlm cter 7aam arivu 2 ....shruti ngn mmber dye sume kuar gi jln2 kt BomBAy cIRcuS......dye org rmai2 ambik gmbr brsme rr....dlm setiap gmbr yg dye org ambk 2 pnoh ngn gmbr suriya kt blakang ngh posing maut beb...!!kelakar gileww

gmbr yg ats 2 time lgu Mun Andhi......mun andhi songsssss is best song ever.....i really lyk it....i lyk it so so so so so so so so muchhh....muahhhh...<3 =)..hehe...bgi kwn2 ku yg laen,,,korng mnat r kt suriya ni...klau korng x nk fanatic sngt pow x pe rr.....yg pnting as biggest fanzz pow x peww rrr.....

7aam arivu is rocksss,,,,suriya is always hndsome n rockkkksssss.....

!!!!!! <3be cool n chilll...muaaaahhh 4 u n all of your family <3 =)

Saturday 12 November 2011


fuuuuyyooo !!!first time dlm idop sye ...sye gi cuti ngn sedara mara n sepupu sye ni sume kt gileeww,,,,mybe org laen dh x heran rr sbb dh pnah pi dh,,,sye bru jeww first time ktekn pi ni,,,sonok gilew2 taw,,,,hehe..sye nk introduce ckit rr psl org yg kt gmbr ni,,,,yg plng hujung blah kiri 2 ,,,sepupu sye ...dye nye abg yg pkai bju coklat hujung blah kanan 2,,,,yg  posing 'piz' 2 sepupu sye gak,,,,yg paki bju biru 2 abg dye rr,,,yg sblah nye plak ngn baby kecik 2 bini kpd yg bju biru 2,,,,sye plak yg tercacak 2 dri hujung blah kanan....hehehe,,,sye mmng pendek,,,jgn ketawa yeww...

mse pi sne mula2 ingtkn x best taw..sekali dh pi mak gileww...xpi yg sedihnye x dpt mndi kt sne,,,aduhai,,,sedih3.....xpi yg sonok kt TeREnggAnu 2 sye n sepupu sume tdow kt umah besO.....umah banglo 2 ...bngga ni....cehh..setakat bnglo spe heran,,wakakakaka...

lpaz dh pusing2 kt tEreNGGaNU 2 ,,mse time nk blek 2,,,kte org rmai2 singgh kdai cenderahati...beli cm2 rr...sepupu sye yg plng hujung blah kiri 2,,,,siap beli keychain besO2,,,,,n tulis nme mkwe dye sekali,,,ishhh3....terok2

pas 2 kte org singgh gak kt cherating....tngok laut rr ktekn,,,,xpi x dpt mndi gak...sedih beb !! =) ...<3 sedih3...ermmm,,k rr....papeww poww sye cme nk ckpkn kt sini,,,,,law korang sume pi kt sne,,cm x nk blek umah taw,,,sonok gilew beb,,!! =)

<3  BE HaPPy AlwAYSS,,,sMILe n SmiLe N sMIle....hehe <3
(= luv u all...muaahhh =)

Thursday 10 November 2011

my LovELY cUPcAkES

fuhhhh,,,,,alhamdullillah...dpt akhir nye siapkn cupcakes ni....penat gilew 2 wat cupcakes ni,,,mujur rr first time bru wat cupcakes.. dlm seumo hidup plak 2...hehe..!! =) nasib baik r ade org yg tlong watkn sekali,,,law x ...aduhhhai..x tahu nk jwb pe....mse first time nk wat cupcakes ni...ingtkn x jdi awwww...pas berdoa gileww2,,,,peehhh !! jdi beb...bngga taw kakak2 yg dh PRO 2 mmng x kn bngga,,,sbb dh lme wat..sye bru je ...first time ....sbnarnye cupcakes kt ats 2 cupcakes coklat..xpi nmpk cm bkn kn,,,,,, <3

xpi kn yg pelik nye ...icing 2...entah bile kte org mkn rse cm msam2 jeww....mybe sye rse kn kte org ade wat slh kot....slh cmpor brg kot dlm icing 2...ermmmm...xpe rr ,,,yg pnting ...alhmdulillah...dpt hasilkn cupcakes kte org ni.....

ME n MY couSIN rr tukng wat cupcakes nye....cntek x org nye....hahaha,,!! =)...psl kek2 ni sume ajk jeww kte org..mesty ready nye.....hehe...sye yg pkai bju biru 2,,,yg sblahnye pkai bju merah ni..sepupu larhh ktekn....hehe..dye 2 psl kek2 pndai gak...mmng penat wat cupcakes ni,,,xpi kte org HaPPy2 Jew,,,,bE hAPpy aLWAySS,,,,nnty law ade wat agi sye share ye ngn kwn2 sume....sye dh bnyk wat kek dh....sye blaja pow drpd ckgu sye....dye wat kt umah dye,,pas nty dye tnjukkan kt kte org gmbr2 kek2 sye tngok n ciplak,,,hehehe....x rr sye tngok bntuk nye n pas 2 wat r kt umah...menarik gilewww,,,,law sesape nk tmpah kek birthday ke papeww ke,,,korang ley tmpah kt ckgu sye,,,,xpi sye pon x sure ye nme blog dye pe,,,,, law fb sye tahu rr,,,,hehe....

setakat ni jeww yg dpt sye brkongsi pengalaman ngn sume.....nty kte jmpe agi dlm episod seterusnye,,,,hahaha.....x de rr ,.,.,.nty kte jmpe agi dlm aktiviti seterusnye yg akn sye wat ye...aktiviti membuat kek/memasak ye....owkey,,,,,

MY bEautIfUL fWEndZZ......

haaa,,,!! =) ni sume kwn sye...kwn sejati r ktekan,,,,,mmng sejati pon....sye rse ngn dye org ni sume sye ade wat slh,,,,walaupapeww pon,,,I sorry cngt2,,< ade lukakan ati korang ke papeww ke,,,,law korang sume nk tahu,,,haaa..!! yg hujung belah kiri 2,,nmenye tihah,,,,bab psl gmbr pnggil je dye...trus ready nye ngn posing mautnye...hehe..!! yg sblah tihah plak basheer,,,,senyum2 kmbing jew....xpi dye x jual kmbing cme jual lembu je kt sg.redan,,hehe....!! =).. <3

ishak plak yg tngah 2,,,,cian taw dye kwn2,,,x de fb.....x pe nnty sye watkn ye ishak,,,haha...yg SO SWEET 2 yg pkai cap 2  syafeeq yassin nme nye....yg ni lgi sorang yg ske posing2 jeww,,,hehe...owkey rr jugak ngn senyuman yg manis tye 2,,,,,tngok zuhair posing rilekss jeww,,,cm x de respon jeww sye n member ambik gmbr tye,,,

rilekss jeww kwn2 ku posing,,,,xpe yg pnting korang sume bahagia kt dunia n akhirat dh ckop dlm diri korang kn,,,,,any way,,,aq nk ucapkn,,selamat perpisahan pde korang sume,,,,be HaPPy AlWAys,,,,

My loVEly Fwendzz...4 eveR FRIenshIP...

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Today is so bored day,,,,dh abez kolah,,x dpt jmpe kwn2 agi pas ni,sedih..gileww beb...first time brpisah ngn kwn2....dh rr bile brada kt form 3 ni...kte org ni sume d'anggap sbgai ONE ROOF,,,alarhh,,fhm2 je rr mksOd ayt 2 ,,,kte org ley dikatakn sbgai family yg ceria....aduhaii...x de idea agi nk tulis...cme nk menangis jeww,,,<3 <3 ...!!.. =)..( <3 muaahhh 4 all )....kenangan terindah dak2 form 3 nie....hingga akhir hayat ku ni,,,ku x kn melupakan kamu semua ye,,,,,